Thursday, September 28, 2023

Week 14: Japanese-Speaking Political Botanist Zoologist Missionary - Bentonville, Arkansas

Current career plans ^

"Salut! Comment ça va?" - Justin

First off, thank you so much to everyone who emailed/messaged/wrote me on/around my birthday! You made me feel special on a day that I was worried would just be normal. Thank you. I wish I could get back to all of you but I ran out of time yet again and will probably have to push off sending a response until next week. 

This week I've learned that optimism is everything. Current strategy: indomitable cheeriness. I'll stomp on the Devil's plans with the devastating power of a can-do attitude. 

The news:

- Interviews with President and Sister Collins. They're such cool leaders. I talked with President Collins about keeping the Gospel simple and focused on the Savior and with Sister Collins about how we can be good missionaries regardless of whether people accept our message.

- Cut my own hair for the first time. It was equally fun and nerve-wracking. 

- The smoke alarm went off at 4:30 am yesterday so we spent a half an hour testing it to make sure we weren't gonna die. 

- finally used the 5 bucks we got in the park a month ago to buy some insanely good red velvet ice cream.


The big day. I woke up, donned my new birthday tie, ate a donut, and went to church. We then knocked doors until dinner with the Cronins, an amazing family who went out of their way to bake me a cake and sing me happy birthday. They even sent a video of it to my mom haha. Bonus points for that one. After then it was back to the work until the day was done. I called my family, opened some packages and presents with them, and hit the hay. 19 years, baby.  

Other fun stuff:

- Mom wrapped some Super Mario Legos in a picture of the cover of Helplessness Blues by Fleet Foxes, one of my favorite albums. Absolutely legendary birthday present. 

- Got a bonus birthday box from my cousins :)

- I had the Animal Crossing birthday song stuck in my head literally all day. It made me surprisingly sentimental for whatever reason. Big nostalgia. 

- We set up four lessons in one day! God gave us some birthday miracles for sure.

Person of the week:

Arsh: a cool Sikh dude who played pro cricket in India before he moved here. He gave us an Indian history lesson on the Mughals so we taught him him about Jesus Christ in return and gave him a Book of Mormon. 


1) D&C 81.

Sister Collins invited me to apply this section to myself and it really helped me when I was struggling. 

Lesson learned: The blessings of missionary work are not dependent on how we are received. I can faithfully "be about my Father's business" regardless of the actions of others. 

2) 2 Nephi 4:27-35.

My little sister Hazel sent me this one this morning so you know I've gotta throw it in. 

 I would love to unpack his whole psalm/internal monologue (soliloquy? Can I get a fact check, Mrs. Plunk?) but I'm out of time so suffice to say Nephi spits some bars here. The whole section is him writing about just wanting to be a good Christian and I dig it. Props, Hazel.

Welp, that about wraps it up for this week. Thanks again for all the birthday wishes! Love you guys. 

Elder Rigby


P.S. General Conference is this weekend! Every six months, the leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints all gather for a special broadcast of inspired messages from a living prophet, Apostles, and other authorities. Think five two-hour sessions of sermons specifically tailored for modern-day Christians right in this moment. It's just cool.

I had a big paragraph written out about why you should check out General Conference but I'll just say this: if this isn't real, then you'll have wasted two hours of your Sunday morning. If it is, then God has led you to something wonderful. 

Come and see. Come, bring questions, and listen for the Savior in the words you hear. You will receive your answers proportionally to the faith you exercise. 'Nuff said. 

Well, that's about it. Thanks for reading this far. Later!

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Week 13: Pedal to the Metal - Bentonville, Arkansas

Hey all!

This week I smashed a plant, gave a Book of Mormon to a McDonald's cashier, met an Apostle, and ate a muffin in the House of the Lord. 

Note to my non-LDS friends: 
This week's email might be a little confusing if you don't know the context behind temples or our church leadership, but I'll say this: every aspect of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is intended to help us draw nearer to our Savior in thought, feeling, and action. If you're ever not sure how that might be so with an unfamiliar policy or doctrine then shoot me an email and let's talk about it. Once again, I do this kind of thing 24/7, so I'm more than happy to. 


- The first House of The Lord in Arkansas is now dedicated and operational! I'll talk more about the Bentonville temple and all the cool stuff I got to be involved with for it later but it's been an awesome experience.

- I hit my 3-month mark yesterday! I've officially been out for one summer break's worth of time. Weird. 

- Good news: we finally got in contact with Harrison! 
Bad news: he doesn't really care anymore, which stinks. Harrison told us on Friday that he realized he had been going to church just because he didn't know many people in the area yet but now he did so he was good. Ouch. We think he actually might have run into some doctrinal issue that he's just too nonconfrontational to bring up but that's a whole other can of worms. He didn't try to give us back his Book of Mormon though >:) so I'll keep y'all updated on him in the future. 

- random little bags and packages from Walmart keep showing up to our door. Apparently the big online order of snacks my parents had delivered to my apartment ended up getting split into the 12 Days of Christmas haha. A happy accident for sure.

- shout out to my main man Brock for becoming the next Elder Rigby in a long and illustrious line of Elder Rigbys. He'll be at the Provo MTC for a couple of weeks before he heads out to serve in Orem. All y'all Orem folks, keep an eye out for my cousin, yeah? He's a cool dude.

A ton happened this week so I'm just going to cover the second half so y'all don't have to read a chapter book. This weekend's highlights:


- Jacob 5 is cool. The 77-verse allegory of the tame and wild olive trees is super interesting now that I'm finally starting to be able to make sense if it. 

- Angel: a Seventh-Day Adventist who believes in the Book of Mormon but just doesn't wanna switch religions. Ight. Your choice I guess. He was "getting his mule outta the hole" (fixing up his car) so he could get to work so he didn't really say much besides that. 

- My bike has started to whinny whenever I stop or slow down and I'm a little leery about how wobbly the rear wheel is now. My noble steed is riding into its twilight years, unfortunately.

- BYU actually beat the Razorbacks like 20 minutes away from me in Fayetteville. Big W for my Cougs. Wish I coulda watched it. Ah, but the work goes on. 


Temple dedication! 

Elder Bednar (a global church leader and one of our current Twelve Apostles) spoke with straightforwardness and clarity unlike most anyone I've ever heard. He and his family lived in northwest Arkansas for like twenty years while he taught at Arkansas State and man, he truly loves this place. I was kinda blown away. This guy, one of the most serious and composed speakers of all the Church leadership, shed tears over being able to open a temple to The Lord in his home. I could go on and on about everything that he and the other speakers shared with us but saying more wouldn't capture what I'd hope to express so I'll keep it short.

Some invitations he left with us:

1) Replace the word "temple" with the name "House of The Lord." Just like President Nelson encouraged us to use the full name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints instead of "Mormons," using "House of The Lord" rather than "temple" better captures its true meaning and purpose. 

2) Do not call it a small temple. You do not make "smaller promises" in a smaller building. Don't get the pearl confused with the box that holds it. 

2.5) "Everyone's excited when a new temple opens...for a time. Don't let that excitement die down. Overuse it to the point that they need to build a second one."

After that, the Hosanna Shout (a traditional cheer we do when a new House of the Lord is dedicated) was led by Elder Adeyinka A. Ojediran, a General Authority Seventy from Nigeria. He had this super thick accent and the way he literally shouted "hosanna" was super cool and intense. Not really sure how to describe it but yeah. Nigerian accent + Hosanna Shout = cool. 

After that, we were invited to help the AV crew again for some crazy cool service opportunities.
Some of the things I did in the Bentonville House of the Lord:

- Organized the waiting room
- Moved Endowment room furniture
- Helped set up an altar
- Appreciated the art in the maintenance basement
- Found a sick workshop with the complete blueprints of the building
- Ate a pumpkin muffin in the breakroom
- Shook Elder and Sister Bednar's hands. We also met the two other General Authority couples accompanying them. Elder Bednar made fun of how Elder Cebollero pronounces his name. "Two L's make a Y, Elder."

The works. 


Apparently the whole Bednar family came and chilled in the church during our weekly District Council just down the hall. We didn't get to meet them again but the hosts let us chow down on all the food that got left over so that was a nice consolation prize. Apostle food is delicious. 

Beverly: met an RLDS lady for the first time. She reads the Book of Mormon and believes in Joseph Smith everything but thinks the main Church is corrupt so she goes to a tiny 20-person congregation called Rogers Remnant Church with her family. Speaking of herself, she basically just told us "I was born into this church so I'm going to stay here until I die." It made me sad.

Learn a lesson from this lady. Think for yourself. "Study these things out in your mind" as the prophets wrote. Don't be content with just staying where you started. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is all about thinking and acting for yourself. Study the scriptures yourself. Check out a church service yourself. Pray, personally and sincerely. It'll be different, yeah, but honestly ask yourself if it's brought you closer to Jesus Christ and if being closer to Him has brought you greater peace and joy. If your goal is finding the number-one surest, straightest, and truest path to God, then don't knock this path until you try it.


- Finally starting to exercise again but now I'm four days behind in my journal. Ay caramba. That's not a curse in Spanish, is it?

- Biked up some hills like a champ

- Knocked some apartments with Brother McKinney. He's like if Matt Damon was a firefighter who served a mission in Fresno. Cool dude.

Tuesday was a good day. Seems like Tuesdays usually are. Not sure if that's because they're right before my prep day or if it's been long enough since my last one that I'm finally back in the swing of things.


- P-Day: bought groceries, got another Pokémon happy meal, played volleyball, took a quick nap, practiced the piano, and did my best to write to a few friends. Not bad. 

- Learning music on the piano brings me joy. I've learned five (well, almost five) songs so far this summer, most of them from video games haha. Gotta nerd out out here somehow. 

Ate "Hobo Soup" at the Cannons' for dinner and it was much better than the name had me expecting. Plus, the recipe's super simple. Here's how to make some classic Arkansas cuisine:
- 1 can minestrone
- 1 can rotel
- 1 can ranch style beans w or w/o jalapeños 
- 1 sausage link
Crockpot on low or warm until it's done and enjoy. 


Alma 32: 27-34 (and 35-43 if you want to read more.) 
In this section, the prophet Alma proposes an experiment on faith to his audience. Similar to Christ's parable of the sower in Mark 4, Alma compares faith to a seed that needs to be nourished before it can grow into a tree that bears good fruit. 
Whether or not you're interested in joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, give this one a read. It's not super long and it's good spiritual insight for everyone. 

Going along with that, here's a speech on the power and beauty of faith in Jesus Christ by our current prophet, Russell M. Nelson. Once again, it's good for anyone and everyone seeking to grow nearer to the Savior, so give it a listen if you've got a few minutes:

"Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains"

Love you all! Thanks to everyone who's emailed me already this week! I appreciate the kind wishes and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Elder Rigby


Thursday, September 14, 2023

Week 12: The Plot Thickens - Bentonville, Arkansas

Hey all!

This episode, an Elder gets shuffled, I pray for a mailbox, and our best friend goes AWOL. Buckle up, it's a long ride today.

Quick News:

Real talk, last week was hard. We gave it our all every day and found exactly 0 people. However, Elder Cebellero and I grew a lot closer as a companionship as a result. The Lord saw fit to humble us through this time and once we finally got that in our heads, we were able to become more unified as companions. Plus, He blessed us with three new friends for our efforts this week: Sofia, Eduardo, and Fernando! I'll give an update on how their lessons go next week. 

- The Bentonville, Arkansas temple is getting dedicated this Sunday! I just barely missed the open house so I can't wait to finally see inside. For anyone who's wondering what in the world a temple is for, check out this cool tour of the Rome, Italy temple:
Sorry for the long YouTube link, my phone's weird. 

- tragedy strikes: a missionary in our zone went home last night and Elder McKee's being emergency reassigned to the Grove, Oklahoma area :( . I'm losing a homedog all too soon. On the bright side, a new missionary returning to the field is going to be joining us and Elder Atuaia's going to train him this time around, so the boys'll back to full strength soon enough. 

- Harrison went completely off the grid out of nowhere. These last few weeks have been awesome with him but then he canceled a lesson with us on Friday saying a ton of stuff came up at work and he had to stay and fix it and we've heard nothing from him since then. From what we've seen through his window it honestly seems like he hasn't been home much, if at all, in the last few days. Tricky stuff.
 But so it goes. The adversary's making an extra effort on him as it always does when a friend is preparing for baptism but we won't give up on him that easy. 



Zone Conference (a big meeting with our mission leaders teaching various workshops.) We talked about how to leave home blessings, keeping Jesus Christ as the center of God's Plan of Happiness/Salvation, and a cool proclamation titled The Living Christ. 

- 5 hours of sleep = not good. 
Mental self-evaluation: Kinda grumpy; discouraged; jealous of the more experienced missionaries around me. But y'know what, I felt the Spirit a lot at Zone Conference today and that was cool. 

- prayed over the postal service at a mailbox with a guy named Jacob. He really loved the postal service. 

- Atuaia and McKee picked up a Burger King delivery quest from a random person who got someone else's Doordash. Mission failed unfortunately. 


- Exchanges with Elder Klingler, day 2: today was an exercise in navigating my own area without someone else who knew it better. Definitely a day in the growth zone. Elder Klingler's cool though. 

- gave my first home blessing ever to Jill and Ken Ehret (the guy who told us to buy land a month or so ago.) They're such a good family. We may have some differences but these people have real charity and that goes a long way. 


- Woke up in a mini faith crisis. I felt a little better now after prayer, scripture study, "Lord I Believe" by Elder Holland, and time. As I went to bed, I looked back on my day happy and satisfied and ready to work more tomorrow. I had some serious angelic help today. 

- flashback to Campo Craft. If you know you know.

- Picnic in the park with the Grosses for dinner. Good times. 

- Found a fully functioning roomba that Elder McKee had been using as a pillow. Now the apartment has a pet. 


- mailbox Jacob showed up to church to return the Book of Mormon we gave him and then leave because "the the mail came late therefore this church must not be true," among other interesting reasons, and promptly went home. He was an odd enough bird from the start to make me think he was probably being genuine. Kinda surreal. 

- Ate some raw tuna like a champ. 

- Sofia and Thomas: she's a Chilean Facebook referral taught as a kid who's really interested in the Book of Mormon and he's a fellow Christian who totally Bible-bashed us but in the oh-so-kindest of ways. Keep going, Sofia! Go pray about it, Thomas. 

- Elder Ceb gave me a hug today. Huh. That doesn't happen very often. It was pretty nice. 

- Accidentally interrupted a Marshallese church service in this random house we knocked on. Whoops. 

- met four returned missionaries in one home, all of them now inactive in the church. Dang. You think you'll be invincible once you get home from spreading the Gospel for two years but we're commanded to endure to the end for a reason. Pretty sobering. 


- picked up a stick bug. Now I really feel like Newt Scamander. 

- Brother McKinney is so cool. He's a firefighter and a (relatively) recently returned missionary from the Fresno mission who's an ace at coming out to tract with us. 

- Got the cops called on us for "aggressively trying to open the front door multiple times" and like four police Chevies just kinda spawned into the hood. They said hi, told us we were all good, mentioned it might rain soon, and sent us on our way.


- finally found someone: Eduardo!

- The B2 Sisters picked up a raccoon. No context really. People just have interesting pets sometimes. 

- Dinner with a young couple, the Heltons: she owns almost the same Victrola record player as me, has good taste in jazz and makes fantastic sausage and tortellini soup. He served his mission in Mesa, built a PC, had an old gameboy color, and likes brockhampton and Childish Gambino. I've found my people. 

- Second find: Fernando!

- Talked about U.S. Embassy stuff with Elder Powell. He's from an expat family who was born in Finland and lived in Japan, Kuwait, and a few other countries. Sick. Plus, his dad had Elder Powell give me his email and told me to hit him up after my mission for some networking connections. Double sick. 

- our carpets got replaced this week so the other Elders decided to use this chance to relocate the entire gym setup to the living room. Our interior design has my inner Animal Crossing fan in crisis. 
 This week's aspect of charity to focus on: Longsuffering. 

- Star Wars nerd fest with Elder McKee. I get so few chances to nerd out with people while on my mission. Boy, that was satisfying. 


- Brother Agard: a member walked over, and gave us 20 bucks like 30 seconds after we found out we didn't have any money for food this week. 

- Knocked in a trio with Elder Ceb and Elder Atuaia. Blessed two homes tonight baybee

- also got cussed out for the first time but that's less important. 


1) Moroni 7:45-48 in context. 
Here, a prophet speaks on charity to the few faithful Christians left standing. The Nephite civilization is collapsing once and for all and the wicked are actively hunting him down and yet he still teaches to love and forgive as Christ would. 

2) A lesson from my dad on expectations:

Excitement: anticipation of a good thing happening. 

Fear: anticipation of a bad thing happening. 

 Enthusiasm: walking with God no matter what's coming. 

"Living outside the 'now' is just painful. Don't miss out on being with the Supreme Creator. If you're with God on your birthday, it could be your best birthday ever."

Fair enough. I want to be an enthusiastic missionary because I want to find joy in the present.

Well, that's about it for this week. I'm trying to work hard and stay diligent, although I still need to work on my bedtime. I've gotta plan my pdays better haha. 


Love you all!

Elder Rigby

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Week 11: The Quad is Banished - Bentonville, Arkansas

Hey all! 

We got locked out of our apartment for a bit tonight so I'm starting this email late yet again but c'est la vie. Hope life's been good for y'all! All the best to my friends and family starting school again this month. 

Quick update:

Harrison's on date for baptism! We had another great lesson with him and invited him but he was still hesitant and wanting a stronger answer before he committed. Remembering our mission president's advice to invite people to act in faith rather than waiting for an answer, I decided to be straight up. I told him we were here to help him get baptized because we loved him. Plain and simple. We then asked him why he was meeting with us, and it took him a while to answer. His response was that the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints had a light about them he'd never seen before and he wanted to have that light himself. 😐👌.
 We explained that baptism enables us to that unimitable light and peace through the Gift of the Holy Ghost. We then asked him again if he would prepare to be baptized on October 7th if he had received an answer by then and, thank goodness, our boy came through. It's been so cool to see the Holy Spirit move in the life of our good friend. 
 So pray for Harrison, friends! The adversary isn't going to just let him go and get baptized like it's no big deal. He's gonna need all the help he can get going forward, so I'd appreciate it if you could remember him in your prayers these coming weeks. 

A week in the life of a missionary, 8/30 - 9/6:


- Taught a guy 3 days out of prison at 11:00 at night down the hall from our apartment

- Elder McKee talks in his sleep lol


- T2 training: 6 hours with the Presidents, Domino's for lunch, a happy reunion with Elder Andersen, and a sleepover with Elder Hulse and Elder Gleason from the very northernmost area of the mission. 


- Finished the Isaiah quotations in 2 Nephi and man, the clarity of the "plain and precious truths" of the Book of Mormon is refreshing. 

- Made my pad thai waaaaay too spicy by pouring like ten spoons of chili pepper oil on it. The natural man is inclined to make bad decisions. 

- rip Shelby. She canceled our dinner lesson because her kid was sick and her husband wasn't interested :/


- Sister Hancock's funeral: "would you help dig even if you didn't hear the voice?"

- SOS from the Central Park Elders with a flat bike tire

- thinkin 'bout Maple Treeway from Mario Kart Wii. Man, where does my brain remember this stuff from?

This church sure ain't comfortable Christianity. That's reassuring if you ask me. 


- "Commandments are less about 'do this, don't do that' and more about showing God that you're really trying so that He can rightfully bless you."

- Manly pillow talk with Elder McKee. Elder McKee's a G. We get along really well which is nice.


- I dream about doing missionary work most nights. "You'll have that on these big jobs."

- Ceb is so quiet sometimes. 

12:00pm: I did not want to talk to people today. At all. So I said a prayer and got to work. 
4:00pm: I feel better now. Little miracles. 


- wake up -> get out of bed -> go sleep on the couch for two hours. Not sure why, I was just not feeling it this morning. 

- quick post office trip. I like the post office. 

- saw some Jehovah's Witnesses in the wild. I thought about how I'd react to *them* knocking on *my* door and that was a real eye-opener. I've walked a mile in those moccasins. 

- meditated for a few minutes at lunch and my brain chilled out. Meditation is neat.

- got a postcard from Aunt Jen hand-delivered by President Collins when we dropped by the mission office. A pleasant double surprise. 

- ate at Cane's. Cane's is Cane's. It speaks for itself. Thanks for dinner, Aunt Jen. 

- 9 hours of tracting in one day with 0 new people found. Woof. 


- got locked out of our apartment 🐵

- lost a page from a song I was practicing on the piano 🙉

- saw Halloween decorations in someone's yard for the first time this year. I'm not about that. No Halloween stuff in my birthday month. Gimme some space 🙈

"life's all about peace and pain at the same time. This life will always have pain but peace can be found in it as we align our will with God's will for us." Credit to Dad for this one. 


- The Wilhites: a nice young family who just moved from near Aomori, Japan at the snowiest U.S. Air Force base in the world. Brother Wilhite worked there as a family doctor for the military. 

- Brother Ward: a softspoken and kind elderly artist in our ward. Owns a motorcycle and looks like Liam Neeson.  

- The Thurmans: a member family staying in an AirBnB we happened to knock into. Sister Thurman's originally from Gilbert (shoutout Ciudad Gilberto) and their family lived in Appleton where one of my ride or die homies Elder Thompson served for a few transfers this year. 


This week my zone met together to discuss a talk given by Gary E. Stevenson a few years ago titled "Your Four Minutes." In it, he compared our whole life to the four minutes Olympic athletes have to has to prove themselves in the Skeleton event. Four short minutes and the decisions they make therein determine the outcome of an event they will spend the rest of their lives remembering. 
  This life, and, to an even greater extent, my mission, is four short minutes to prove to God how we will act when it's down to the wire. While an hour feels like an eternity some days and I sometimes find myself wondering what in the actual heck I'm doing knocking on a stranger's door at an apartment complex in northwest Arkansas, I know my purpose and know that RIGHT NOW IS GO TIME. 
  Right now, I have the opportunity to bring more of my family back home with me. If that means that I need to endure a spiritual and emotional marathon then I'll do that every day.
I wish I could spend more time on how impactful this talk and the discussion we had on it was to me but wow, I gotta go to bed. Goggins rant over.

Song of the week:
"BrokEn (Reimagined)" by Coldplay. 
Good music. 

I'm too tired to write a witty ending so I'm just gonna finish up here and hit send in the morning. Sorry again to all the people I couldn't respond to! I wish I could. I'm working on catching up as best as I can so bear with me a little longer. 

Be cool, do stuff. They're closely tied together. Love you guys!

Elder Rigby

The Quad Squad

Bentonville Temple

A lot of birds on one power line