Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Week 41: 🌚🀝🌝 - Fort Smith, Arkansas

 Hey all!

I think my creative peak is sometime around 10:15pm, but man, I gotta go to bed on time. 

This week's been kind of all over the place, but life's good. Here's a few highlights:

Conference in Mountainburg: 

General Conference was powerful. Some themes I picked up on were the power of prayer, integrity and trust, and finding inner confidence through our covenants with Christ. For the Saturday night session, we got a ride thirty miles north to Mountainburg, AR, where one of the sister missionaries in my area just happens to have close relatives. Her inactive cousin just happened to move here right before she got transferred to serve right in his local branch, so after that little miracle he decided it was time to give church another shot. We tagged along with the Sisters to get to know him better and it turns out we have a ton in common, so it was awesome getting to nerd out about video games with a guy my age and call it missionary work. 


"A [total solar eclipse?] At this time of year? In this part of the country? Localized entirely in your [teaching area?]" 


"...May I see it?"

- The Simpsons

Youth Night part II: 

We had three friends pull up to youth night tonight, so we played frisbee for an hour and a half with the young men and ended up putting Chris and Josh on date! They've been praying about it and both of them had dreams about baptism last week so they decided they wanted to be baptized on May 11th! These dudes are awesome.

Temple trip:

Definitely the place to be after half of the living Apostles of Jesus Christ focus their Conference messages on the blessings of worshipping in the House of the Lord. Takeaways from today's trip included:

1) (desire to change • faith in Christ's healing power) = Repentance

 2) Hebrews chapter 11 is cool. 


Thought: "Opposition in All Things" by Elder Matthias Held

"If you could have one wish granted, what would it be?"

 Elder Keller asked us that as a joke a few days ago, but seeing as how my brain's starved for philosophy, I've been chewing on it for a little. Barring blessings that naturally come from the Gospel (salvation, family, happiness, world peace, seeing Christ in-person, etc.) I think I would ask for perfect discipline.

 If I just asked to instantly be super rich or to be a crazy good musician, it would be fun for like five minutes and then immediately lose all flavor. What makes growing talents and accomplishing goals satisfying is the struggle required to realize them. 

 Elder Held talked all about opposition in his General Conference message a few days ago, and I especially loved his emphasis on our ability to see opposition and choose how to react to it.

 There is opposition in all things, but that same opposition is what gives life depth. Therefore, the fact that doing hard things is hard must inherently be a good thing. If that's true, then what we need in order to maximize our success in life, both spiritual and temporal, is to get really good at doing hard things. 

So, next up for me on the road to being a Christian disciple-scholar-brother-musician-athlete missionary machine is prayerfully striving for self-mastery, or the ability to do hard stuff.

Doctrine and Covenants 121:7-8
"My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes."


Song of the week: "Take Me [Live]" by Casiopea

Cool devotional: "Avoid It" by Lynn G. Robbins


Elder Rigby 

Mountainburg, AR

death star

watch party

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