Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Week 43 - Fort Smith, Arkansas


(Here's last week's email. Sorry it's late! I'll send this week's email later today.)

Hey all!

Hope everyone's having a good week. We were super busy today and I'm low on time, so I'll keep it short and sweet. 


Fun stuff this week:

- talked with a Vietnamese lady for like five minutes through Google Translate and she was cool. We didn't have a Book of Mormon in Tiếng Việt, but we'll swing by again when we track one down for her. 

- traded friends with the Spanish Elders. They introduced us to an English-speaking dude named Keonte and we introduced them to a Spanish-speaking lady named Guadalupe and both of them accepted a date for baptism right on the doorstep! The Fort Smith Zone is doing awesome right now and the number of friends we have who are planning to be baptized has doubled in the last week. 

- the Elders from Mena, AR came up for the day and we obliterated some potatoes with a sling handmade by Elder McKee (see Google Photos.)

- went to the Fort Smith Historical Museum and nerded out over WWII paraphernalia and other old stuff for two and a half hours. 

- ran into a bulletin board while playing games at the church today and somehow ended up with a thumbtack in my arm. I didn't notice for a full minute until one of the sister missionaries saw it and freaked out, so that was fun. 


Thought: Matthew 5:6

 Full transparency, these last two weeks were really hard. I've been fighting some demons that caught me off-guard and it hasn't been a smooth ride. However, fighting my battles alongside Christ has given me plenty of opportunities to ponder what I really desire from the life I've been blessed with. 

A lot of things I'd been pondering clicked together when I read this verse from Christ's Sermon on the Mount:

"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."

When we're hungry, we don't have food, when we're thirsty, we don't have water, and, when we hunger and thirst for righteousness, well, we don't have righteousness. 

Christ is looking for those who are hungry for virtue. He's not asking if you already have it, He's asking how badly you want it.

"They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." (Luke 5:31-32)

How badly do you want it?


Song of the week: "Back to the Shack" by Weezer

Cool stuff:

"Becoming a Consecrated Missionary" by Tad R. Callister:

"Our Identity and Our Destiny" also by Elder Callister (he's one of my favorites)


Elder Rigby

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