Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Week 45 - Monett, Missouri

 Hey all!

Week one in Missouri! 

Flashpoint: Monett is like a parallel-universe Bentonville. If Bentonville didn't have the insane cash flow it gets from Walmart, it would be Monett. Also, a solid one-third of the town speaks Spanish and we have no Spanish missionaries for forty-five minutes, so we'll take any creative ideas we can get for how we can help these folks receive the restored Gospel en español.

The fairest of them all: My new companion, Elder Fairchild, is a great guy. He's temperate and soft-spoken and we get along well. He's on his last transfer before he finishes his mission, so I'll be killing him off (mission slang) in five weeks. 

Duplex lords: man, we're spoiled here. For unknown reasons way too convenient for us to question, we two Elders get to live in a three-bedroom two-bathroom duplex directly across the street from our local church building. Shame we're never in it cause we're always out working 😤🤜🚪

That'll happen: well, apparently some kind of tornado or high winds blew past a quarter mile away from us today. From what we've heard so far, the worst of it in our town was a few trees knocked down and a clean hole punched in the local McDonald's sign, but it sounds like some other areas got hit pretty hard. 

Victory for the dodgeball boys 🌊good news - all three of the teenagers we'd been bringing to youth night in Fort Smith are getting baptized this Saturday! Please pray for them as they're preparing to make this special promise with God. 


Thought: The Sabbath Day.

Following last week's theme of promising blessings, I took a page out of Elder Shields' book and made a quick list of the blessings God promises us for keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Here's what I found in a few minutes:

"Make the Sabbath a delight," and you will...

(Isaiah 58:14)
- delight yourself in the Lord
- be caused to ride upon the high places of the earth
- be fed with the heritage of Jacob thy father

(Doctrine and Covenants 59:13)
- experience fuller joy
- be more fully kept unspotted from the world

(Preach My Gospel: a Guide to Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ)
- feel joy and peace
- be spiritually nourished
- be physically refreshed
- feel closer to God
- build a deeper relationship with the Savior

(3 Nephi 18:12)
- be built upon His rock

(Doctrine and Covenants 59:16-21)
- receive the fulness of the earth


In conclusion, come to church. Look for Jesus Christ there. Also, please invite all your friends to come with you. I promise it will always be worth it.


Song of the Week: I follow the missionary music standards, but thinking up a song that I liked back home every week is starting to get a little distracting. I'm probably gonna discontinue this one for consecration's sake.


Love you all! God is real and good.

- Elder Rigby

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