Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Week 47: I almost died - Monett, Missouri

 A lesson in promptings from the Holy Spirit:

Me: "Man, I gotta use the bathroom but there's nothing for miles out here. Guess that silo in the field over there isn't a bad spot."

Voice in my head: "There's a snake in that field. Don't go in there."

Me: "What? ...Nah, I'm just being paranoid."

Voice: "No, there's definitely a snake in that field."

Me: "That's crazy talk. I'm gonna go walk through the field."

Voice: "Bad idea."

Me: "Oh well."

*thirty seconds later*

Huge black snake right in front of me: "Hey."


Hey all!

Week three in Monett and I'm still alive. We've seen a lot of cool miracles here lately, one of the coolest being that our friend Tyler accepted a date to be baptized on June 22nd! Please pray for him as he's preparing to take this step towards the Savior.

I went on two back fo back exchanges this week! The first was with Elder Ceb, my trainer from way back when and now one of our fearless APs. We found some cool new people to teach and had the most nostalgic day ever. Love ya Elder Ceb.

The second exchange was with Elder Evans out in Lamar, Missouri, and we saw some crazy stuff out there. First off, their apartment is totally infested with brown recluses. Not fun. After our arachnaphobic sleepover, though, things turned way better. From miraculously finding one lady after being prompted to drive a half an hour out of our way to finding another dude in a torrential downpour to going Walmart public contacting for our first time ever and finding a super humble lady there, our day was bonkers in the best kind of way. Plus, we almost got struck by lightning. That'll happen out here.

Other than that, here's some fun stuff:

- Set up a booth at the local farmer's market and a random guy bought us a huge plate of cookies so we shared with the Jehovah's Witnesses 😋

- some Church members in Monett own a trading card shop so we visit on pdays pretty often. Elder Fairchild bought a deck for Magic: the Gathering and the kid running the store comes out to lessons with us sometimes so he gave him like seventy bucks worth of free stuff. W youth. 



"Yes, but not right now." I've been thinking a lot about that line from The Inconvenient Messiah lately, and I feel it's helped me gain greater insight in my pursuit of self-mastery.

I used to say "no" to half the thoughts in my head and it drove me crazy feeling constant guilt over things when they weren't bad at all—the timing just wasn't right. Now, I see the blessing that it is to show God I'm willing to put him first. If the ability to wait is as important as I believe it is, then thank goodness that our Heavenly Father is merciful enough to help us to grow it. 

So yes, I'd like to head to the movies sometime; yes, I'm down to play some Mario Kart; yes, I wouldn't mind a nice, long nap—just not right now. Not while I'm on the Lord's time. I can endure waiting for those things because I know that as I turn Him with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, Jesus Christ will help me do it.

James 1:2-4; 5:11:

"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."

"Behold, we count them happy which endure."


Hymn of the week: found it! Here's a recording of that song I wrote about last week:

Cool sermon: Exercising Our Spiritual Muscles by Elder Juan Pablo Villar. Wanna hear a cool conversion story? Listen to Elder Villar's. 


Jesus Christ is real! He knows you. Following His Gospel is the way to come to know Him. 

Elder Rigby

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