Wednesday, June 19, 2024

One Year! - Pierce City, Missouri

Hey all!

First off, shoutout to all my Rigby cousins at the beach right now! Love you guys! I miss you all so much but I've got Grandma and Grandpa Rigby helping me out here in Missouri so I'll be good. 

But yeah, week one in Pierce City! This place is way more rural then the other areas I've served, but the members of the Church here are totally amazing. Bringing members out to our lessons has never been easier, and someone has us over for dinner almost every day. Also, a crazy amount of them are from Gilbert, Chandler, or Mesa, AZ. Small world, right? 
And man, Elder Handley is a super interesting guy. He joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints three years ago, he came out on a mission despite opposition from his family, he's a state champion 300m hurdler, and he's a college graduate. Cool comp alert ⚠️

Side note: I think there was some kind of typo with the "we's" and "you's" in my email last week, but oh well. That'll happen.


Cool story from this week:

 Two days ago, we went to a random park in Purdy to study and, when we saw a lady sitting there alone, decided to sit nearby her. She called out to me by name when we got close and I recognized her as a lady Elder Fairchild and I had met in Monett a month earlier when she moved in with a new roommate. This lady had since been kicked out and was now homeless in a completely different town than I met her in and, naturally, we just happened to show up in the very moment she was pleading with God for whatever help He would give. 

 I testify that miracles really do happen. The Lord knows the complexities of His children's lives and trials. He knows yours, too. 

 We're meeting with our new friend in the park again tomorrow to follow up on her inspired decision to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. Please keep her in your prayers!


Hymn of the week: "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go" (October 2016 General Conference)
This is my favorite version of my favorite hymn:

Friends to pray for:
Kent: His baptism is this Saturday! Please pray that he'll have the strength to stay away from cigarettes!
Tilor: An awesome teenager I got to teach in Monett. He's 110% golden, but his domestic situation is just horrible right now. Please pray for him!
Juanita: Our friend from the park in Purdy! Please pray for her as she reads and prays about the Book of Mormon and looks for a safe place to stay!



“Our heavenly Father is more liberal in His views, and boundless in His mercies and blessings, than we are ready to believe or receive. … God does not look on sin with [the least degree of] allowance, but … the nearer we get to our heavenly Father, the more we are disposed to look with compassion on perishing souls; we feel that we want to take them upon our shoulders, and cast their sins behind our backs."

- Joseph Smith

Man, halfway there. Not really sure how I feel about that. This first year in the field has been so special to me. I don't really know how to put it into words, so I feel the best I can do is share my testimony.

Jesus Christ is everything to me. He is my Savior and my Healer, my song and my shepherd and my dearest friend. He is my shelter from the storm and the sunshine in my soul. 

Turn to Him for everything and He will give you everything. Exercise faith unto repentance and He will make you an instrument to bring your family home. Such is the privilege of a missionary.

Elder Rigby

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