Saturday, June 29, 2024

Week 52: a haiku - Pierce City, Missouri

Unseen mosquito

Destroyed me while I played hymns

Begone, dumb insect

Hey all!

Technically it's a senryu but whatever. Seeing as how I've eaten eight cheeseburgers in the last two days, I think my diet has more room for improvement than my wording. 


 Aaaaaaaaanyways, hope you're all doing well! Here are some miracles from our week:

- Our friend Kent was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! He's an awesome guy and I'm happy to say that Pierce City Branch has embraced him wholeheartedly.

- We also got to head down to Bentonville with Kent and two other members for a departing devotional from our mission leaders, President and Sister Collins. Man, I'm really gonna miss them. On a brighter note, while we were there, Kent bore testimony of his conversion to a soon-to-be-baptized friend of a sister missionary I went to high school with! Shoutout to Sister Hale from Campo. 🟩🟧

- While on exchanges, Elder Wadsworth and I were blessed to meet a member family with eighteen children, fifteen of whom were adopted foster kids from high-profile trafficking and abuse cases. For privacy's sake I'll limit the details, but a brief conversation the mother of this special family taught me a whole lot about the true meaning of "Christ-like" love. And get this: one of their adopted daughters is about to leave on her mission! 


Friends to pray for:

- Norma: her wedding's this week and she's on date for baptism in July!

- Tilor: bad news is he got hit by a car and he's in a wheelchair for a while. Good news is he came to church anyways and brought his mom and sister too! Last Sunday was his mom's first time leaving the house in five years.

Back by popular demand, the songs of the week: 

"Brand New Colony" by The Postal Service

"Where Love Is" (General Conference 10/2021)

Note: In my mission, we generally stick with hymns and music directly published/licensed by the Church. I throw a contemporary song or two in here every once in a while just cause they get stuck in my head, but for these two years it's hymns for me, baby. 🤙


Thought: "Small Acts of Service" by Spencer W. Kimball

"Hell is frozen in self-pity." Service, on the other hand, is the ultimate defense against spiritual stagnation. God's commandments prevent human misery because, when we follow them, we turn outwards; we become instruments in Christ's hands to "clear a channel for the river of God's love."

“If we are not careful, we can be injured by the frostbite of frustration; we can be frozen in place by the chill of unmet expectations. To avoid this we must—just as we would with arctic coldness—keep moving, keep serving, and keep reaching out, so that our own immobility does not become our chief danger.”

So keep moving! Don't stop. Life is a race, but "taking a break" from daily personal prayer, daily study of the Book of Mormon, daily Christlike service to others is not like taking a water break. Don't take a breather from living your covenants. It could be spiritually fatal. 

 As in all things, Jesus Christ is our exemplar. His consistency of character throughout His life is a perfect example of how you and I can "live after the manner of happiness." We may not be perfect, but, thanks to our Savior and His Atonement, we can always be faithful. 

The Gospel works. Trust the process.

Elder Rigby

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