Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Week 60: #1 Loon Fan - Fayetteville, Arkansas

Hey everyone,

This week was pretty eventful! I'm gonna do some bullet points this time so my word count isn't in the ten thousands.


- Surprise exchanges with Elder Smythe and Elder Shields, the traveling missionaries! Elder Smythe, my 3.5th companion, goes home this Saturday. I'm gonna miss him. 

- Interviews with President Hathaway! I really trust him as my leader. He's a man of God.

- We set up a free lemonade stand on campus with the senior missionaries and a Chinese exchange student they met came to church on Sunday! He's a super nice guy whose uncle told him to join a Christian church and we're happy to help with that. 

- Got Bible-bashed like five times (three in one day on Thursday πŸ’€) and dodged a few more. Not fun, would not recommend. But seeing as how Jesus Christ is the most controversial figure in the history of the world, go figure that His true gospel is controversial too. 

- In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the focus of our Sunday meetings is around an observance instituted by Jesus Christ and known as the Sacrament (aka the Lord's Supper, the Holy Communion/Eucharist, etc.) and I had the opportunity to pass it to the congregation last week. The building was packed to the point that we used all of our trays and ended up being just one cup short, the one that would have been for me. It was sooooo hard to keep a straight face walking all the way to the back of the room, grabbing one single Sacrament cup, filling it up, walking all the way back, and saying the blessing on the water all over again, but all laughs aside it was actually a powerful testament to the fact that Jesus Christ's gospel is a gospel of leaving the ninety and nine for the one. 

- Our friend from the Rogers sister missionaries is doing amazing. She is so cool. Her baptism date is September 8th and we had another lesson with her tonight!

- Knocked a guy's door and he opened and said something like "I talked to you two a week ago and I'm just gonna tell you organized religion has been starting wars and killing people since like the 1300's." And we were like "Yeah man, we totally agree. That's why we need modern prophets to restore Jesus Christ's original church back to the earth." And he was like "Hmmmm... let's meet for coffee sometime." One thing led to another and we taught him and his wife on Monday and they're so cool. Now they're coming to a handoff lesson at the church with the family missionaries on Friday πŸ˜Ž

-  Campus contacting while school is in session is insane. There are just so. many. people. I usually didn't have any problem talking with everyone but as the amount of people we've talked to has gone from a drinking fountain to a fire hose I've started to see the limits of my social battery. However, I've also seen a bunch of tender mercy pick-me-ups showing me that the Lord is aware of my shortcomings. My two favorites were a miraculous spur-of-the-moment church tour with a girl we met on campus two days ago and an awesome exchange with my zone leader Γ‰lder Crim yesterday.


- Did some yoga πŸ§˜‍♂️

- Bought a drink cup with a snack lid for five bucks and put pistachios in it. Legendary purchase

- Had six Elders in our apartment for five days in a row because theirs was getting sprayed for mold. We threw a birthday party for Elder Peterson with the ZLs  πŸ₯³

- There's a K-dog place in Fayetteville let's go!!!!! I've eaten three Korean corn dogs in the last week. 

- Totally sliced my finger open cutting a bagel with a butter knife. We live in a fallen world I guess. 

- Talked to a Japanese guy on campus and he was holding three of the same T-shirt so we asked where he got them and he was just like "here you go, you can have them" even though we were 90% sure he definitely got them for himself. Dang Nihonjin are too polite. 俺はどろぼうにγͺγ£γŸγ‚ˆγ†γ γ­。

- Saw a sticker that said "Hug a loon" with a little drawing of a loon (the bird) next to it. If anyone knows the deeper meaning of this, please clue me in. I've gotta know. 

- Songs that got stuck in my head this week: "Cat" by C418 and "Dog" also by C418. Give em a listen for me if you can πŸ«‘


Alma 15:18
Alma 17:1-2

"Brother" by NeedToBreathe

Brother let me be your shelter 
I'll never leave you all alone 
I can be the one you call 
When you're low, oh

Brother let me be your fortress 
When the night winds are driving on 
Be the one to light the way 
Bring you home, oh

Homie check: if you're on this email list, I care about you. Jesus Christ is the strength of parents, youth, children, families, and friends. If you need to talk, let's talk sometime.

Elder Rigby

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