Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Week 59 - Fayetteville, Arkansas

 Hey all!

Happy fourteenth birthday, Marin! You're so awesome. Also, happy anniversary to Grandma and Grandpa Rigby! Gilbert folks, wish my cool little sister happy birthday today for me please!

 This week we had the opportunity to start teaching a friend from the Rogers YSA missionaries who's preparing to be baptized in the next few weeks! She is so solid. Her lessons have been some of the most spiritual teaching opportunities of my whole mission. It's such a blessing to be able to be a part of her conversion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I'm sure there's more to write about but I'm not in a super wordy mood this week. The music standards just got updated in our mission, though, so here's some good Christian songs we heard on the radio this week:

- "Brother" by NeedToBreathe

- "Still Rolling Stones" by Lauren Daigle

- "Have I Done Any Good?" by Alex Boyé. This one's actually from the Sacred Music app so every missionary can listen to its absolutely crazy intro🕴


Thought: For the Strength of Youth

About two years ago, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints published a revised version of "For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices." This book is amazing. By using principles of Christlike discipleship rather than enumerated standards, it simultaneously teaches three us things: 

1) Jesus Christ is the way to eternal joy.

2) You are a beloved spirit child of God.

3) Your Father in Heaven trusts you.

Missionaries: use it in teaching! We found it to be especially powerful when teaching our friends about the Ten Commandments (which are conveniently included in the back of the book.)

Family and friends: give it a read! This book came from a living prophet and apostles of Jesus Christ. If they truly are who they say they are, then the value of their words is immeasurable. 

See for yourself!

For the Strength of Youth

The Book of Mormon

Elder Rigby

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