Thursday, September 5, 2024

Week 62 - Fayetteville, Arkansas

Hey all!

I'm low on time so I'll jump straight into the week:

Mo Money Monett strikes again:
 Back in April, Elder Fairchild and I met and taught a sixteen-year-old boy named Tilor in Monett, Missouri. We didn't know how things would turn out with him after Elder Fairchild finished his mission and I got transferred to Pierce City, but...

 Flash forward to Monday and we got a call from the sister missionaries in Monett that Tilor had chosen to be baptized on Wednesday! It absolutely made my day to hear the news. We watched his baptism and confirmation over Zoom last night and wow, it was such a special experience. Plus, I got to say hi to some old mission buddies who went home a few transfers ago (shoutout to my boys Ryan and Brigham!)

 Tilor's had a hard, hard life, but he is so full of charity to his family and loved ones. His choice to follow God and love His children despite all the opposition in his life is sure evidence to me that Lord always comes through.

I'll be staying in the Fayetteville YSA (UArk college congregation) for another transfer with good ol' Elder Foster so we'll both still be here for our friend Marli's baptism this Sunday!

Razorbacks International: 
One of our friends we're teaching recently came to America from China and speaks mostly Mandarin but lucky for us, my pal Sister Fugal knows Mandarin and she and my other pal Sister Holding just happened to be down here in Fayetteville all the way from Lake Ozark, Missouri exactly when we were hoping to teach our friend. They popped in for the lesson and it was so cool getting to feel the Spirit even when I had absolutely zero idea what either of them were saying. Good stuff 🐗🇨🇳

Canine therapy: 
Charlie will always be the #1 goodest boy but Lupe the chocolate lab makes a good substitute. We have dinner with an older couple in the family congregation every Monday and let me tell ya, there's not much that makes me happier than getting to pet a labrador.

A favor: 
One of my buddies from the Fayetteville YSA named Harrison just left on his mission to the Philippines this week and has been having a pretty hard time his first few days in the MTC. Would you all be willing to keep him in your prayers please? He's an awesome guy and one of my good friends, so I'd really appreciate it.


Song of the week: "Ebon Coast" by Andy Mckee

Give it a read: Doctrine and Covenants 67

Scripture of the week: Micah 6:8
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?


 I felt the Holy Spirit in all these experiences and I hope you did too as you read about them. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be serving a mission for my Savior. I promise you that as you choose to make and keep covenants with Jesus Christ that you will always be able to feel what the Paul called "the peace of God...which passeth all understanding."

Elder Rigby

Elder Fairchild and Tilor

The Lake Ozark Sisters and us after our lesson with Zhilin

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