Thursday, August 1, 2024

Week 57 - Fayetteville, Arkansas

 Hey all!

Wowowow a lot has happened this week and it's way more than I have time to cover, but here goes:

 Elder Foster, my companion, is such a good kid. We've already had experiences together in just our first week that have firmly convinced me that God prepared us to be companions with each other. My last time training a young missionary was at a tough time in my mission, so I see this time as a second chance. This transfer is special to me. The Fayetteville YSA ain't gonna know what hit 'em 😤

 Speaking of Fayetteville...holy cow, this city is gorgeous. I don't have many pictures but I'll just say that it's awesome here. It's built right into the forest all nestled in the big, rolling Ozark hills in a way I haven't seen in any of my other areas. Plus, the whole area around UofA campus is super nice and new and there's tons of murals and art everywhere. If you don't mind the trademark Southern heat and a completely brand-new species of insect just springing into existence every single week, then this place is totally the spot.

 A couple more cool miracles:

 An Elder who gave his mission farewell talk in church my very first Sunday in the field and whose family I know super well just referred one of his friends to us and now she and two of her friends are coming to our institute scripture study tomorrow!

 Plus, we followed a prompting Elder Foster had to tract (i.e. knock doors and share messages about Christ at) a few buildings in our own apartment complex and we ended up finding some cool new people who said they'd come to institute too!

Please pray for our friends!

- Mattie
- Freddy
- Matt


Thought: Hymn #108 "The Lord Is My Shepherd"

Well, looks like I'm out of time this week. I absolutely love deep-diving into different teachings of and about the Savior, but I guess those things don't always have to be complicated to ring true.

When I played this hymn on the piano today, I felt the Spirit. Here's my favorite verse:

Thru the valley and shadow of death though I stray, 
Since thou art my Guardian, no evil I fear.
Thy rod shall defend me, thy staff be my stay.
No harm can befall with my Comforter near. 
No harm can befall with my Comforter near.

Music that praises God and Jesus Christ brings me light, peace, and joy, especially when I can share it with others. If you play an instrument, I invite you to magnify your God-given talent and learn a hymn to play for someone else. I promise you'll be glad you did.

Elder Rigby

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