Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Week 58 - Fayetteville, Arkansas

 Hey all!

 Another week down. This week was tiring and I've been feeling pretty out of juice lately, but the tender mercies of the Lord always contrast better against a dark backdrop. Instead of a big spiritual thought today, I'll just share some of those bright spots:

1) We accidentally knocked the door a guy who was a member of our local family congregation and he let us right in for a quick visit, and for some reason felt prompted to do a practice run with him on a lesson we teach on the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. About halfway through the lesson, his mom came downstairs and joined in, and when it ended and we asked if they knew anyone the missionaries could teach, the mom said "y'know, maybe it's time for me to take the lessons again." 


So that's why Heavenly Father wanted us to teach a lesson to a guy who'd already heard it. She wasn't even a member of our church. God knows His children a whole lot better than we do.

2) We've spent a lot more time lately looking for people to teach by going to public places and talking to everyone and let me just say man, being real with people is difficult sometimes. I often used to mask my real personality behind my "Chick-Fil-A Employee" persona I kept from my time working at the Church of the Chicken, but now, through prayer and work, I feel like I'm finally able to talk to anyone and everyone as myself, Elder Oliver Rigby. It feels good. Plus, school's starting up again and we're about to be on campus on the daily soon, so God's timing is just right as always. 

3) We were out tracting at like 8:45 and we met a couple who at first seemed uninterested, but somehow we just discerned that he had served in the military judging off the way he carried himself. We decided to just send it and ask, and sure enough, he was an ex-Marine who went to boot camp at Camp Pendleton, a military base with one end at the yearly Rigby family reunion spot and the other at my childhood hometown of Murrieta, CA! After that conversation, they were way more interested and now they're down to have the family missionaries over tomorrow and come to their church on Sunday! Plus, we found a cool college grad who wants to come to our study like 30 seconds later haha. Miracle night.

4) Okay, last miracle: Kenneth Rooks, a returned missionary and former BYU runner, just took silver in men's 3000m steeplechase! I LOVE the Olympics. They're so so so cool. So seeing a returned missionary and faithful disciple of Christ absolutely destroy in the Olympics like that is just incredible. ✌️🥈


Scripture of the week: Moroni 7:27-32

Songs of the Week: 
- "Romantic Warrior" by Return to Forever
- "Campus" by Vampire Weekend


Wow, that was a lot. If you're skimming through this, suffice to say that cool stuff happened this week. God is real and good.

Elder Rigby

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