Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Week 61 - Fayetteville, Arkansas

 Hey all!

Another week, another email. My time in Fayetteville's been flying by. Only a week and a half until one of our friends is baptized on September 8th! Here's some stuff that happened in the last week:

- Our friends who didn't like organized religion went to church with the family missionaries on Sunday >:)

- My friend Harrison gave his mission farewell message in church last Sunday! He talked all about the power of service and the parallels between serving others at the food bank (which we did with him every Tuesday) and serving others in the temple. In both places, we help real people in need overcome real trials as we do as our Savior Jesus Christ would.

- Mission tour! Two members of the Seventy, Elder Christensen and Elder Buckner (global leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,) came to our mission for a few days and we got to hear from them and our mission leaders yesterday! Elder Christensen led the meeting and we had an awesome discussion all about the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the importance of helping others receive His gift for us through baptism and confirmation. 

- For P-day today we hit the driving range, played some pool at the Institute building, and FINALLY got haircuts. Good stuff.



 I got a really nice watch from my parents last Christmas and I totally lost it right before I left Fort Smith back in April. I prayed so hard and we spent hours looking for it everywhere with zero luck and the clearest answer I got was that it simply wasn't the Lord's will that I find it then. 

Fast-forward to our mission tour yesterday and I saw an Elder wearing a watch just like mine and told him I liked it and used to have one too and he was like, "Thanks man, I found it at the church in Fort Smith a month or two ago and nobody ever claimed it. It's pretty nice, right?" 


...and now I have my watch back! Shoutout to Γ‰lder Anderson for taking good care of it the last couple months. He's awesome. 


Super cool talk! Give it a listen:
Following Up by Elder M. Russell Ballard

Song of the week: Children's hymnbook page 76, "This Is My Beloved Son" (April 2009) 


Thought: Elder Olsen's Ten Minutes of Prayer

 Elder Olsen is just about the nicest guy you'd ever meet. He's a total teddy bear, which is ironic seeing as how he's built like a grizzly. We served near each other when I was in Monett, Missouri earlier in the summer and he once told me of a way he planned to improve his relationship with God: he'd go to his closet, set a timer, and spend ten minutes with Heavenly Father in sincere vocal prayer.

 That idea immediately stood out to me as an inspired one. As you've probably seen from my past emails, I absolutely love the idea of building a personal relationship with God and with Jesus Christ; quality time is definitely one of my love languages. In my eyes, one of the best ways you can build a relationship with someone is by spending real, meaningful time with them.

 I decided to take Elder Olsen's goal and try it for myself and I want to testify that it has quickly become my favorite ten minutes of every day. As I have changed my focus from checking the "I prayed tonight" box off my list to spending ten minutes of pure one-on-one time with God, the eternal truth that He is our loving Heavenly Father has become more certain to me than ever before.

 If you want a deeper relationship with God, I invite you to find a quiet place and spend ten minutes praying out loud to Him. It may be a challenge at first, but it just might change your life. With that kind of "if," don't you think it's worth a shot?

Elder Rigby

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Week 60: #1 Loon Fan - Fayetteville, Arkansas

Hey everyone,

This week was pretty eventful! I'm gonna do some bullet points this time so my word count isn't in the ten thousands.


- Surprise exchanges with Elder Smythe and Elder Shields, the traveling missionaries! Elder Smythe, my 3.5th companion, goes home this Saturday. I'm gonna miss him. 

- Interviews with President Hathaway! I really trust him as my leader. He's a man of God.

- We set up a free lemonade stand on campus with the senior missionaries and a Chinese exchange student they met came to church on Sunday! He's a super nice guy whose uncle told him to join a Christian church and we're happy to help with that. 

- Got Bible-bashed like five times (three in one day on Thursday πŸ’€) and dodged a few more. Not fun, would not recommend. But seeing as how Jesus Christ is the most controversial figure in the history of the world, go figure that His true gospel is controversial too. 

- In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the focus of our Sunday meetings is around an observance instituted by Jesus Christ and known as the Sacrament (aka the Lord's Supper, the Holy Communion/Eucharist, etc.) and I had the opportunity to pass it to the congregation last week. The building was packed to the point that we used all of our trays and ended up being just one cup short, the one that would have been for me. It was sooooo hard to keep a straight face walking all the way to the back of the room, grabbing one single Sacrament cup, filling it up, walking all the way back, and saying the blessing on the water all over again, but all laughs aside it was actually a powerful testament to the fact that Jesus Christ's gospel is a gospel of leaving the ninety and nine for the one. 

- Our friend from the Rogers sister missionaries is doing amazing. She is so cool. Her baptism date is September 8th and we had another lesson with her tonight!

- Knocked a guy's door and he opened and said something like "I talked to you two a week ago and I'm just gonna tell you organized religion has been starting wars and killing people since like the 1300's." And we were like "Yeah man, we totally agree. That's why we need modern prophets to restore Jesus Christ's original church back to the earth." And he was like "Hmmmm... let's meet for coffee sometime." One thing led to another and we taught him and his wife on Monday and they're so cool. Now they're coming to a handoff lesson at the church with the family missionaries on Friday πŸ˜Ž

-  Campus contacting while school is in session is insane. There are just so. many. people. I usually didn't have any problem talking with everyone but as the amount of people we've talked to has gone from a drinking fountain to a fire hose I've started to see the limits of my social battery. However, I've also seen a bunch of tender mercy pick-me-ups showing me that the Lord is aware of my shortcomings. My two favorites were a miraculous spur-of-the-moment church tour with a girl we met on campus two days ago and an awesome exchange with my zone leader Γ‰lder Crim yesterday.


- Did some yoga πŸ§˜‍♂️

- Bought a drink cup with a snack lid for five bucks and put pistachios in it. Legendary purchase

- Had six Elders in our apartment for five days in a row because theirs was getting sprayed for mold. We threw a birthday party for Elder Peterson with the ZLs  πŸ₯³

- There's a K-dog place in Fayetteville let's go!!!!! I've eaten three Korean corn dogs in the last week. 

- Totally sliced my finger open cutting a bagel with a butter knife. We live in a fallen world I guess. 

- Talked to a Japanese guy on campus and he was holding three of the same T-shirt so we asked where he got them and he was just like "here you go, you can have them" even though we were 90% sure he definitely got them for himself. Dang Nihonjin are too polite. 俺はどろぼうにγͺγ£γŸγ‚ˆγ†γ γ­。

- Saw a sticker that said "Hug a loon" with a little drawing of a loon (the bird) next to it. If anyone knows the deeper meaning of this, please clue me in. I've gotta know. 

- Songs that got stuck in my head this week: "Cat" by C418 and "Dog" also by C418. Give em a listen for me if you can πŸ«‘


Alma 15:18
Alma 17:1-2

"Brother" by NeedToBreathe

Brother let me be your shelter 
I'll never leave you all alone 
I can be the one you call 
When you're low, oh

Brother let me be your fortress 
When the night winds are driving on 
Be the one to light the way 
Bring you home, oh

Homie check: if you're on this email list, I care about you. Jesus Christ is the strength of parents, youth, children, families, and friends. If you need to talk, let's talk sometime.

Elder Rigby

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Week 59 - Fayetteville, Arkansas

 Hey all!

Happy fourteenth birthday, Marin! You're so awesome. Also, happy anniversary to Grandma and Grandpa Rigby! Gilbert folks, wish my cool little sister happy birthday today for me please!

 This week we had the opportunity to start teaching a friend from the Rogers YSA missionaries who's preparing to be baptized in the next few weeks! She is so solid. Her lessons have been some of the most spiritual teaching opportunities of my whole mission. It's such a blessing to be able to be a part of her conversion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I'm sure there's more to write about but I'm not in a super wordy mood this week. The music standards just got updated in our mission, though, so here's some good Christian songs we heard on the radio this week:

- "Brother" by NeedToBreathe

- "Still Rolling Stones" by Lauren Daigle

- "Have I Done Any Good?" by Alex BoyΓ©. This one's actually from the Sacred Music app so every missionary can listen to its absolutely crazy introπŸ•΄


Thought: For the Strength of Youth

About two years ago, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints published a revised version of "For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices." This book is amazing. By using principles of Christlike discipleship rather than enumerated standards, it simultaneously teaches three us things: 

1) Jesus Christ is the way to eternal joy.

2) You are a beloved spirit child of God.

3) Your Father in Heaven trusts you.

Missionaries: use it in teaching! We found it to be especially powerful when teaching our friends about the Ten Commandments (which are conveniently included in the back of the book.)

Family and friends: give it a read! This book came from a living prophet and apostles of Jesus Christ. If they truly are who they say they are, then the value of their words is immeasurable. 

See for yourself!

For the Strength of Youth

The Book of Mormon

Elder Rigby

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Week 58 - Fayetteville, Arkansas

 Hey all!

 Another week down. This week was tiring and I've been feeling pretty out of juice lately, but the tender mercies of the Lord always contrast better against a dark backdrop. Instead of a big spiritual thought today, I'll just share some of those bright spots:

1) We accidentally knocked the door a guy who was a member of our local family congregation and he let us right in for a quick visit, and for some reason felt prompted to do a practice run with him on a lesson we teach on the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. About halfway through the lesson, his mom came downstairs and joined in, and when it ended and we asked if they knew anyone the missionaries could teach, the mom said "y'know, maybe it's time for me to take the lessons again." 


So that's why Heavenly Father wanted us to teach a lesson to a guy who'd already heard it. She wasn't even a member of our church. God knows His children a whole lot better than we do.

2) We've spent a lot more time lately looking for people to teach by going to public places and talking to everyone and let me just say man, being real with people is difficult sometimes. I often used to mask my real personality behind my "Chick-Fil-A Employee" persona I kept from my time working at the Church of the Chicken, but now, through prayer and work, I feel like I'm finally able to talk to anyone and everyone as myself, Elder Oliver Rigby. It feels good. Plus, school's starting up again and we're about to be on campus on the daily soon, so God's timing is just right as always. 

3) We were out tracting at like 8:45 and we met a couple who at first seemed uninterested, but somehow we just discerned that he had served in the military judging off the way he carried himself. We decided to just send it and ask, and sure enough, he was an ex-Marine who went to boot camp at Camp Pendleton, a military base with one end at the yearly Rigby family reunion spot and the other at my childhood hometown of Murrieta, CA! After that conversation, they were way more interested and now they're down to have the family missionaries over tomorrow and come to their church on Sunday! Plus, we found a cool college grad who wants to come to our study like 30 seconds later haha. Miracle night.

4) Okay, last miracle: Kenneth Rooks, a returned missionary and former BYU runner, just took silver in men's 3000m steeplechase! I LOVE the Olympics. They're so so so cool. So seeing a returned missionary and faithful disciple of Christ absolutely destroy in the Olympics like that is just incredible. ✌️πŸ₯ˆ


Scripture of the week: Moroni 7:27-32

Songs of the Week: 
- "Romantic Warrior" by Return to Forever
- "Campus" by Vampire Weekend


Wow, that was a lot. If you're skimming through this, suffice to say that cool stuff happened this week. God is real and good.

Elder Rigby

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Week 57 - Fayetteville, Arkansas

 Hey all!

Wowowow a lot has happened this week and it's way more than I have time to cover, but here goes:

 Elder Foster, my companion, is such a good kid. We've already had experiences together in just our first week that have firmly convinced me that God prepared us to be companions with each other. My last time training a young missionary was at a tough time in my mission, so I see this time as a second chance. This transfer is special to me. The Fayetteville YSA ain't gonna know what hit 'em πŸ˜€

 Speaking of Fayetteville...holy cow, this city is gorgeous. I don't have many pictures but I'll just say that it's awesome here. It's built right into the forest all nestled in the big, rolling Ozark hills in a way I haven't seen in any of my other areas. Plus, the whole area around UofA campus is super nice and new and there's tons of murals and art everywhere. If you don't mind the trademark Southern heat and a completely brand-new species of insect just springing into existence every single week, then this place is totally the spot.

 A couple more cool miracles:

 An Elder who gave his mission farewell talk in church my very first Sunday in the field and whose family I know super well just referred one of his friends to us and now she and two of her friends are coming to our institute scripture study tomorrow!

 Plus, we followed a prompting Elder Foster had to tract (i.e. knock doors and share messages about Christ at) a few buildings in our own apartment complex and we ended up finding some cool new people who said they'd come to institute too!

Please pray for our friends!

- Mattie
- Freddy
- Matt


Thought: Hymn #108 "The Lord Is My Shepherd"

Well, looks like I'm out of time this week. I absolutely love deep-diving into different teachings of and about the Savior, but I guess those things don't always have to be complicated to ring true.

When I played this hymn on the piano today, I felt the Spirit. Here's my favorite verse:

Thru the valley and shadow of death though I stray, 
Since thou art my Guardian, no evil I fear.
Thy rod shall defend me, thy staff be my stay.
No harm can befall with my Comforter near. 
No harm can befall with my Comforter near.

Music that praises God and Jesus Christ brings me light, peace, and joy, especially when I can share it with others. If you play an instrument, I invite you to magnify your God-given talent and learn a hymn to play for someone else. I promise you'll be glad you did.

Elder Rigby